10 Tips to increase your Brand and Followers on Twitter !

Sadat Hussain Mohammad
7 min readApr 20, 2021
Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Twitter is one of the most powerful social media channels if you use it in a right way to promote your BRAND (Personal or Business).

The effectiveness of this Platform depends on the marketing strategy you use to promote your BRAND.

Most of the Users face challenges while promoting their Brand on twitter especially related to the Followers.

Below are few tips which can be used to generate relevant followers on your twitter account, even though first 100 followers are the hardest to earn.

Here are some ideas to make yourself ‘Followable’.

1- Need a Perfect Twitter Profile

For getting good number of followers you need an attractive twitter account that will attract followers to click in.

Below are few tips to make your profile more appealing

Careful selection of twitter handle:

If you already have a twitter account then, review and renew your twitter handle.

No one likes to follow a handle that is not relevant.

Few things you can follow while selecting the perfect twitter handle for your account

– Try to use small handles

-Avoid using sentimental or emotional provoking handles

– Try to use numbers if your desire handle is not available rather going for something which is not relevant to your account

Use True name, picture and be real person:

Use your real name, or as close as possible for your Twitter handle that will help users to find your account easily.

When your handle is seen in an ocean of tweets, unless it’s your name, it can be difficult for followers to remember who you are.

While updating the profile picture try to use any professional picture of yours or if you are creating account for your business just use your official business logo.

The issue with not completing your profile is that potential followers also don’t know whether or not you’re a real person.

There are an increasing number of spam–bots out there in twitterland.

Prove you’re not one of them by filling out your profile and including a profile picture.

You’re most likely to be followed if you come across as a regular Joe — so a picture of yourself rather than your logo (if you have one) is a great idea.

It can seem quite strange exchanging ideas with someone whose name (and sometimes even gender) you’re unsure of!

Bio should be perfectly written:

Users on Twitter have multiple areas they operate — some of which intersect and overlap.

If you want involve in as many as possible, keep them relevant to your interests and expertise.

It’s a good idea to consider geographic location, professional, and personal areas of interest, where you may have some followers who fit into one or more space.

As limited space for your bio, available, crafting it in just the right way can be difficult.

With the character limit, you need to express why you’re awesome and why people should follow you.

But, you also need to include common keywords people search for on Twitter to make it easier for people you want to interact with to find and follow you.

Few tips to make your twitter bio attractive:

– Write your passion, your strength and your achievements in it

– Show the creative side of you in the twitter bio

– Use relevant #hashtags in your bio to make it more searchable

Once perfect Profile created, next…

2- Find the Followers within Your Network

Here’s a simple, straightforward tip for gaining some new followers and making yourself more visible in Twitter’s search in seconds.

If you’re like most people, you’re hesitant about uploading your contact list to any social network.

However, syncing your contact list to Twitter, can help you tap into your existing network of people most likely to follow you.

Shout it from the rooftops… put it on your email footer, on your business cards, on your blog, tattoo it on your forehead.. whatever it takes, just let people know you’re tweeting and ask them to connect with you.

Twitter will tell you if you follow people in common — if you’re both interested in the same kinds of people then the chances are you’ll both be interested in each other too.

Follow people your followers follow, another good way to find people to follow is to take a look at who the people you’re following follow.

The people who share the best links are most engaging on Twitter tend to be following a lot of equally excellent tweeters that might make a valuable addition to your network.

3- Follow the Influencers

If you want to get in the eyes of your potential audience then you have to first go and follow the influencers in your niche.

It is from their twitter activities that you will find like-minded twitter users.

Actively give relevant replies for the tweets these influencers tweet, like “nice post”, “Thank you” to do enough to attract them.

Don’t be scared to reply a link of your post if you think it’s worthy.

The influencers have many followers who see their tweets and also the replies to others.

4- Who Didn’t Follow You Back, Unfollow them

Removing inactive users is equally important to maintain the ratio of followers and followings.

Remove users who didn’t follow you back or not active from a long time.

5- Impressive Content writing

Impressive content is what gets people to talk about you and share your posts, results in increasing your reach and growing your followers.

And the key to great content, is knowing your target audience and what they are interested in.

Everything you post on Twitter must be valuable to your audience. It should help them solve a problem, keep them informed, entertain them, and/or engage them.

6- Use The Most Relevant Hashtags In Your Tweets

Including trending and popular Twitter #hashtags in your social media posts is a great way to boost your messages to reach people beyond just your own followers.

When you use a popular #hashtag in a post, you expose that message to everyone discussing that topic and looking at the messages relevant to that subject.

7- Shoot your Post at Right Time and tweet, tweet, tweet

The best way to get maximum response from your content is to share at the right place on the right time in front of the right audience.

The best day to tweet depends on whether you are business-to-business (B2B) or business-to-customer (B2C).

If you’re B2B, you’ll do better tweeting during the workweek, getting more engagement than on weekends. However, individuals tend to interact with Twitter more on weekends,

if you’re B2C, you’ll definitely want to be tweeting on the weekends, too.

If you don’t say anything, you can be sure that no one will be interested in listening.

At first, even when you do tweet there won’t be a whole heap of folk listening, but stick at it…

Make your tweets useful by sharing great links, retweet great tweets you see.. make your tweets indispensable and people will soon follow.

Engage with people — don’t just follow and run… start a conversation or jump in on a conversation they’re already having.

People are more likely to follow you if they can see that you’re a conversationalist that they’re likely to have some quality interaction with and you’ll enjoy Twitter a lot more that way too!

8- Observe the Twitter Analytic periodically

Twitter analytics tool allows you to analyze that data and measure your performance for Twitter metrics over time.

So you can learn what works, what doesn’t, and how to get the most from the time and resources you put into posting on Twitter.

Below are the key benefits of using twitter analytics

  • Learn about your audience
  • Find out what content resonates with your audience
  • Post at optimal times
  • Replicate success
  • Find the key performance metrics

9- Inserting Most Re-treatable Words in your tweets

One of the most effective way to start using the words which are getting most re–tweets and avoid using the words which are having less popularity.

10- Use Call To Action In Your Tweets

Many researches show using call to action like visit link, please re-tweet(RT) and other such CTAs help to get more interaction than plain tweets.

It’s easy and fast. A simple call to action will help your audience get engage more with your tweets.

Tweet asking for recommendations of the best tweeters to follow.

If you’re interested in a specific type of person, make it clear: ‘Can anyone recommend any great primary end fitness tweeters to follow please? Please RT’ for example.

People are always keen to recommend excellent members of their network and are likely to retweet your request if you’ve been a valuable connection for them.

And another thing…

Think QUALITY rather than QUANTITY
Remember — it’s not all about the numbers. It is better to have a small but highly relevant and engaged personal learning network than a PLN of thousands of people who you aren’t interested in and never exchange ideas with.



Sadat Hussain Mohammad

Digital Marketer l Growth Hacker I Consultant II Co-Founder @ RoyalHouz.com