Top Tips for Becoming a Successful Blogger in 2021

Sadat Hussain Mohammad
5 min readApr 20, 2021
Photo by fauxels from Pexels

Are you confused?

How to become successful in blogger

Not building confidence,

Thanking that many Bloggers are writing

I am not suitable for blogging and writing good content

Everything is written already by great Bloggers,

Nothing is left to write,

Experienced Bloggers write good content with smart enough presentation,

My content is not good enough,

I am not good content writer,

Are you nervous?

Then, you are reading the correct article…

It’ll try to explain, what to think and keep on writing.

First of all, you should not be inferior, thinking of others, how great they are.

Initially, no experienced blogger was perfect enough to write good content, they gradually pick it up.

You build your confidence by concentrating on your working,

Off course, good content attracts the traffic, does not mean you have to be extraordinary initially

Build the confidence and follow Tips below to organize your Blog.

Find a nice niche: When choosing an appealing topic to blog, find a niche. Make your blog about something very specific and you’ll please both the search engines and your readers.

Don’t be too general and focus on one good topic and stick to it — just remember to stay on topic.

Be Passionate: Passion is one of the major reasons why most bloggers success online, they do have any passion for blogging, and they make six figures blogging. They only did not go into blogging because of the money.

Passion is a key element to successful blogging, so you have to make sure you are blogging about your passion.

Your passion must not be too insane rather; I mean not what others don’t like. If you blog about what no other person loves then there is no how you can get people to your blog.

You have to look for what is closer to your passion and develop a strong affection towards it, in this form it will become part of you soon.

It is also very important to blog about your passion so that you will not quit blogging soon.

Be Creative: As bloggers, we must be creative enough and come up with new ideas on our own. Great and successful bloggers don’t just follow the norm, they all have their own ideas, they are creative in one form or the other which is what leads to their success.

Many bloggers try to build traffic to their blog using only strategies like blog commenting, social bookmarking etc.

Not that all these things don’t work anymore, they work quite effectively but are already saturated so in order to achieve success more easily you have to come up with something different.

Be Valuable: Your main intention for blogging should not just be to earn or make money from your blog but rather to impact lives, establish yourself as an authority and some other valuable things.

You shouldn’t just expect to eat without working; your blog is not just a platform to make you eat while being lazy. Get off yourself that old mentality: “make money doing nothing”.

I don’t think it is possible to make money doing nothing, try to give value, build your trust, gain credibility for yourself and you will reap the rewards.

Focus on marketing: You won’t get anywhere if you just launch a blog and hope that people will come without any marketing effort.

You have to actively market your blog and you can do that through a variety of ways. You can start chatting with other bloggers by leaving valuable comments on other people’s blog posts — this will help draw people back to your own site.

Or you can make use of the search engines and write about topics that are popular in the searches, like this very feature. Or you could even offer to contribute to influential e-zines or blogs to help raise your profile.

Whatever you choose to do, just get out there and market yourself like mad. There’s really no excuse not to.

Encourage interaction: Get people talking on your blog. Ask them to add their comments on various articles, like I’ve done with this post. Encourage interaction wherever possible.

Ask for feedback, respond to people’s contributions, build a community and be nice. People love to interact, so make sure you’re friendly

Images, images and more images: People love images. Some of the most popular arts and creative blogs in the world include a lot of imagery.

This is partly because people love to quickly scan through web pages and they enjoy seeing photographs and pictures that help to break up text and add visual interest.

When writing a creative blog, images are essential so provide as many as possible and give your audience lots of things to enjoy.

Be a Goal Achiever: So many bloggers succeed by realizing the importance of having goals.

A goal is a plan of what you hope to achieve within a specific period of time.

You might want to have 1000 daily visitors, but when? You have to have a time-frame for goal and you should try as much as possible not to limit yourself with your goal.

You should also realize that faith without work is nothing so while setting yourself goals; try to work towards achieving your goal.

Be Yourself: You should not fail to realize the importance of personality in your blog; try to be as personal as possible.

Blogs are not a medium for scamming, blogs are used to build your credibility and establish yourself.

If you think you can just setup a blog with the intention of scamming people, then you are deceiving yourself.

Use your real name, add a picture of yourself, and don’t use another person’s writing style. Be yourself and yourself only.

It is also very important to have an about page which will tell your readers more about you. “You cannot be me and I cannot be you, Try to be yourself.”

Be SEO Lover: Oh! You want to build that great empire? But you have forgotten that it is only little drops of rain that fills the bucket.

You hate Google, you hate Yahoo and you hate all those search engines, you just don’t like them. You are human, so why should you be working for robots.

You are not deceiving me, but are only deceiving yourself. Try to learn SEO and use it to your benefit, you will love yourself for it.

Another great secret is that search engine traffic is one of the best types of traffic you can ever have because those who come through search engines are very desperate for information and are ready to stay if you give them what they want.

Be Concentrating: Many bloggers fail to concentrate on one blog, they move to another one without having success with the first one. Stop building “hundreds” of blogs, focus on one.

If you have established your first blog, you can then move to another one.

It takes a lot to build a successful blog and concentrating your attention on too many blogs at a time won’t do you any good.

You learn from the above points and try to grab them as much as possible and I bet you will be successful in “no time”



Sadat Hussain Mohammad

Digital Marketer l Growth Hacker I Consultant II Co-Founder @